This past year I have completely changed one aspect of my life. I have always been obsessed passionate about decorating, but I had decided many years ago that there was no point in immersing myself in these things until I had a house of my own. Well, I realized that was ridiculous because it is something I love. I decided to look around, find inspiration, and just see where it led me. If you haven’t noticed yet, it led me to blogging which is now something else I am very passionate about.
I thought I’d delve into my inspiration files and share some of my favorite photos that I found this year. Now, before looking at all these, I want to preface this by saying that these photos are not the most amazing rooms I have ever seen. I have seen some gorgeous rooms that I could add here, but the photos I normally save to my inspiration files are rooms I think I could actually incorporate into my home in the future, or ones that I could take elements from to recreate. I see plenty of rooms that are spectacular, but that do not look like “home” to me and would either be too hard to replicate or would not make me happy if I replicated them. With that said, please enjoy this amazing inspiration!
Source Unknown
The next two kitchens were also featured in my post about white kitchens.
I love each and every one of these rooms for many different reasons. Some have colors I like, some have accessories I like, but most of them I like the overall feel of the rooms. I have learned a lot about my design style over the past year which has actually made me very happy that I don’t have a house of my own yet to decorate. I like too many things! I love lots of color, but I also love white, black, and brown. I love luxurious rooms, but I also love very vintage eclectic rooms. I love high-style but I also love comfy and cozy. I think many of these rooms are good balance of all of the things I love, however, so I know in the future I will be able to create a balance.
What have you learned about your design style in 2009? Did you find that you loved something that you never thought about before? Do tell, I love to learn how people’s style changes and grows over time.

WOW! Thanks for including my room…so glad you liked it!
I used to really like decorating with warm colors (red, gold, orange, etc) but now I love cool blues and greens. I think the switch is due to visiting Hawaii and falling in love with the ocean and the beach :) Our styles sound similar, love all those inspiration photos!!
Ashley Ann,
How could I not include that room? It is fabulous! The second I saw it, I fell in love with all the personal and vintage details and the incredible creative ideas! You did such a good job! Thank you for inspiring me!
I have had a couple of different styles that I have decorated my homes with in the past. I love a lot of different styles and think they are beautiful. The one truth for me has been for what I live in it must be functional, attractive, and most of all comfortable that is what guides me. I think all of the homes I have had all were comfortable no matter how I decorated them. It just depends on what you see and feel as comfortable to you.