After last weeks post about what you would buy first if you were starting with a blank slate, I started to think about a house once it was a little more full. Eventually I am going to have to start making bigger financial decisions when it comes to decorating, but for now I’m stuck DIYing accessories and using whatever I can buy cheap otherwise. However, there will come a time when I will be able splurge a little more often, so I would like to see what all of you splurge on when it comes to decorating and buying things for your home.
Do you splurge on kitchen appliances?
How about a really nice sofa?
Is artwork where all of your money goes?
What about that huge flat screen tv?
Or do you put your money into only affordable things that may be nice but were secondhand and make them nicer?
Or something else? Let me know! I like to know how real people live and spend their money so that I don’t have to make a ton of mistakes before finding what works for me.
I have a feeling I will probably splurge mostly on things for the kitchen, because San and I both love to cook and think appliances can make a huge difference sometimes, especially since I love old houses and might get stuck with 50 year old appliances. Also, I am skeptical about buying used sofas because they can absorb smells and stains, so unless I were to reupholster them or they were in great condition, I would probably splurge a little on them, but regardless of what I were to splurge on, the splurges would still probably be good deals. I’ve learned a lot about the art of negotiating that I plan to put to good use when the right time comes along!
Photo Sources: Double oven, Chesterfield sofa, Starry Night, Flat Screen TV

Hm, good question. I never like to buy things unless they’re on sale, and then sometimes I will splurge on something with the money I saved. It depends. We tend to cook often, too (well, when we have a functioning kitchen, that is lol) and so we splurged a little on our appliances – but still got them all around 40% off the regular price. It came down to us getting nicer and higher end appliances for the low end price, and we love them. :) After we remodeled our basement, we were so proud and happy (and tired!) that we splurged on some things for it. We purchased a nice sectional (full price! I’m shocked I managed to do it! lol) and then a super-awesome 60″ plasma tv, which we scored for a super-low black friday price – the upside of waking up at 4am and waiting outside in 30 degree weather for an hour. :) Anyways, I guess the point is that when we splurge, we make sure that it’s only on things we will get alot of use out of (the plasma is our only tv in the house, and we cook almost every night), things that will last for years to come and also things that we really really love and enjoy. :) Great topic!
I’m a definite furniture splurger. I guess, to me, if your furniture looks bad, everything else looks so much worse than it would normally!
Lila Ferraro
Queen Bedroom Sets