I am so happy to announce that I have been passed the Honest Scrap Award from Angie at Angie’s Healthy Living Blog!
I am supposed to share ten random things about myself and pass the award on to ten other bloggers.
Hmmm… I don’t think I’m very interesting but here are my ten things:
- I can’t listen to music without singing along, so when I do anything that involves reading or writing, I can’t listen to music because I am not that good at multitasking.
- While driving, I normally listen to songs from the musicals Rent and Wicked because I can really belt out the notes and nobody will hear me.
- As much as I love that women have more rights than they did years ago and would never want to give that up, I sometimes wish I could have lived back then and been a stay at home mom, because I don’t think it is in the cards for me otherwise. I hate to admit that because it may seem controversial, but it’s the truth – it’s my dream.
- When I was really little, my mom used to let me “do the dishes” which meant playing in the sink and pretending to cook. Sometimes I would take the scraps left on people’s plates and mix them with water pretending I just made soup; then I would try to get my mom to eat it. Sorry, Mom!
- I love to exercise and try to fit it into my schedule five days a week, but lately that has not been happening with tons of homework being my top priority. I normally work out to different DVDs from Jillian Michaels, 10 Minutes Solutions, and The Firm.
- I get upset when people tell me my hair isn’t looking as red as it used to, which is weird because I used to hate when anyone mentioned my red hair.
- I turn 21 in less than a month (on June 3rd) and I really do not want to drink very much. I am happy to finally be able to have a fancy drink when I go out, though!
- I hate packing and unpacking. I thought doing it a at least twice a year would make it less irritating, but I think the opposite is true.
- I LOVE floral patterns. If every thing I own could be made into a floral pattern, I would never ask for anything more.
- I was not one of those kids who could sit and lick a stick of butter, but I will admit that Country Crock margarine is amazing and I will lick the knife I used to spread it on toast.
Because I don’t know who has filled this out already or not, if you haven’t and you subscribe to my blog or read it on a regular basis, I am sending you the award. You make my day brighter and make blogging more enjoyable. As much as I love writing posts, it would not be the same without people on the other end reading them and commenting. I love to hear what you all have to say and think you all deserve a gold medal! Thanks for the support – what can I do to support you?
And, if you have any more random questions, feel free to ask them in the comments!
Thanks again, Angie!

Congratulations on your Award! Fun to share some things no one else knows about you with your readers. Don’t give up on your dreams/goals it may work out that you get to do some of the things that may not look as possible right now!
Sarah, thank you so much for sharing….I love your attitude!! You go girl!
Art by Karena
I feel my red is getting redder! LOL
Have a great Monday!
Congrats on the award :-) It was fun reading the 10 things about you — it’s always nice to get to know your fellow bloggers a bit better :-)
I wish I could stay at home too — working is highly over-rated!! ;-)And besides, somebody needs to take care of the dogs ;-)
If you could see the master bedroo today, you might not want to move in anymore!! It doesn’t take long fro it to go from photo-ready to the cushions being on the floor and the bed not being made!! ;-)
I have a hard time not singing along to music… which is unfortunate for whoever is around me b/c I have a terrible voice ;)