Posted by
Sarah on
May 14th, 2010
I am in the process of making an inspiration board for the studio apartment I’m living in beginning in August and I looked to Vintage Printable for some free art resources. I came across some art I just had to share. Click on the photos to head to the picture source.
This one had me laughing out loud! I might print it and hang it on one of my chalkboards just because it is hilarious.

What do you think – would you hang any of these in your home?

Posted by
Sarah on
April 29th, 2010
After last weeks post about what you would buy first if you were starting with a blank slate, I started to think about a house once it was a little more full. Eventually I am going to have to start making bigger financial decisions when it comes to decorating, but for now I’m stuck DIYing accessories and using whatever I can buy cheap otherwise. However, there will come a time when I will be able splurge a little more often, so I would like to see what all of you splurge on when it comes to decorating and buying things for your home.
Do you splurge on kitchen appliances?

How about a really nice sofa?

Is artwork where all of your money goes?

What about that huge flat screen tv?
Or do you put your money into only affordable things that may be nice but were secondhand
Continue reading Think About It Thursday: When Do You Splurge?
Posted by
Sarah on
February 22nd, 2010
Before I left to go back to school for spring semester, I thought up a new arrangement for the room I was coming back to in my apartment. I didn’t like the old arrangement with the bed against the window (it was cold during the winter) and wanted it against a wall so I could easily sit and watch TV from it. The walls were pretty bare as well, so I wanted to make it feel more like “me” with a picture grouping on the wall. Because it is hard for me to go shopping while I am at school due to the lack of a car, I bought the frames I was going to use while I was at home at Walmart and a dollar store and schemed up a picture grouping by laying everything on my bed. I ended up changing a lot once I got to school and came up with this:
I liked the symmetry of this arrangement and the inclusion of the paper flower art I made a while back but didn’t have a good spot for at the time. The
Continue reading A Renter’s Guide to Photo Groupings
Posted by
Sarah on
February 16th, 2010
Over the weekend, I went to the state dance competition to support my old high school’s dance team. I was on the dance team in high school and made it to state my senior year. Dancing at state was one of the best days of my life. For me, dance entered my life and quickly entered my heart. It was a rigorous sport (yes, it is a sport – I will challenge anyone to that, so please don’t even get me started on it) but it was also an art in that it invaded my very being. I have never been the same since. I still go to as many competitions as possible to not only support the team but to immerse myself in something I am still incredibly passionate about.
There really is something so captivating about dancing that lifts a person’s soul in the way that most daily tasks cannot. The mixture of movement, rhythm, and music seeps into one’s blood and makes them float across the floor. Performing was my favorite, which is odd to me, because I do not normally like to be the center of attention. When I was on the floor, something in me burned
Continue reading Obsession Alert: Art is Dance, Dance is Art

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