A couple weeks ago, Sherry and John at Young House Love wrote a wonderful post about pinning down your style. I have been having trouble with this lately because I am preparing to decorate my studio apartment I will be living in during my senior year starting September. I am drawn to so many things, especially now that I’ve been blogging for almost a year and have seen all the different styles that are out there. I am baffled that I can be drawn to distressed painted furniture, bright colorful polka dotted anything, but also love giant tufted sofas and almost gaudy chandeliers. It doesn’t seem to go together.
Sherry and John helped me realize that while I can really like many styles, I am probably naturally drawn to one style that I would love to live with every day. This style may not have a name in the design world, but is made up of many different elements I am drawn to put together. In order to see this pattern, which I was certain I had figured out already, I turned to my inspiration files both from magazines and online, which I store in a Photobucket account. I found many trends I never would have guessed. I plan to share them from time to time. I don’t want to give them all away now!
One of my biggest surprises was the kind of bedding I am drawn to. When planning my studio apartment, I assumed I would be keeping my comforter from my parent’s house since it matches my DIY headboard and basically everything else in my room. I’m bringing up my queen size bed this year and didn’t want to buy a new comforter. Plus, I have loved it ever since my mom bought it for me two years ago. I would hate to get rid of it now!
You can sneak a peak of it here:
It really is beautiful and I love it, however it doesn’t resemble anything in my inspiration photos.
If you want to see how much my style varies, look at my room from my junior year of college. Please keep in mind that I had little say in how I could decorate due to strict guidelines and I used the quilt I made with my grandma from 2002.
Isn’t it amazing how different these rooms are and I love them both? I’d say the first one is a lot more mature than the second, but I don’t think my style is quite mature enough for the first one either, but not quite youthful enough for the second.
Now let’s look at why I’m in a predicament. Let’s see what kinds of rooms I’m drawn to based on photos from my inspiration files.
Do you notice a trend? I do – I am drawn to white comforters which contrast the color used in the space. What I find interesting is that these rooms are a mixture of things I love about both rooms of mine I featured above. They are all tailored and fairly serious like my first room, with grand upholstered headboards or regal furniture. But, they are also quirky and fun like my second room, with fun colors, interesting art, and happy patterns. I think what balances the mix of these two very different styles is the white comforter. It is a blank slate. It can be youthful or it can be luxurious and stern. It looks great next to the bright colors I love but it also fits right in next to traditional furniture pieces and neutral painted walls.
I am having a hard time deciding if I should buy a white comforter or if I should stick with my brown, ivory, and mint colored one. With a white one, I can easily clean it if it gets stained and I can change out the colors of my room whenever I want. However, I would have to spend money and they can be expensive.
Do you think I can achieve the overall look of these inspiration bedrooms with the bedding I featured in the first room? I’m leaning towards no, but I would love your input. What do you think is a better option over time? I am planning on still using the brown comforter in the first room when I have a guest room one day, but who knows when that will be?
I’d love your advice! What bedding are you drawn to?

I love white bedding too! I have a great idea for you. You should buy a white comforter and just know that you can always use a duvet cover if you need a change. Ikea has awesome covers in various colors and patterns. We actually got a down-alternative white comforter from Target that I use by itself or with a cover. We had all white bedding for a long time in our room. Just recently I decided to switch it up a little by moving my Ikea Malou duvet cover in there. I layered some white throws on top and still kept my whit sheets. I really like the subtle contrast! The other nice thing about a white comforter is that you can always use colored or patterned sheets to change it up. It’s just a really versatile piece. Oh and here’s a post that has a lot of bedding info; I’m including it because it has my dream bedroom photo at the top. :)
Thanks for the great advice! I think you’re right. I need a white duvet and I can always use it with a duvet cover later on. I’m glad to know you have used a white comforter without the duvet cover, because I couldn’t find anything about it online. I was starting to think I was crazy to consider no using a cover! I think I’ll start looking around for my new comforter. Thanks for encouraging me to take the plunge!
White always emphasizes any other color in the room especially when the color is isolated ie like the yellow in the headboard picture or the blue wall color in the above pictures. It is also peaceful, harmonious. I personally only like white when it is used most successfully as a grounder for color. Like using dark wood floors they ground the space. White is definitely easy to build on!
Do you have a Tuesday Morning store near you? I have found some AMAZING deals in bedding in those stores!
Question: will your walls in the studio apartment be white or another color? Because if they’re white and you can’t paint them, you will end up with a very white room should you decide to go with a white comforter. Which may not be a bad thing — the last two inspiration photos look like white or very light walls. With your colorful headboard and accent pillows, that may be sufficient.
Isn’t the process of choosing what to do half the fun?! :D
I do have a Tuesday Morning by me, but it is very overpriced. I love TJ Maxx and may go look there. I just ordered a beautiful pintuck white comforter for $50 online, which I will share later if I like it after getting it, but if that doesn’t work out, I’ll stop by some discounted stores like the ones mentioned.
The wall color in my studio will be the same as what is pictured in the second room I posted with the pink and green quilt. It’s a light tan and should make the white pop. I’m not a big fan of white walls, even if I do like them in pictures, because it makes everything a little cold. I’m hoping the tan will bring out all the colors nicely.
Thanks for all the input!
I love your inspiration photos, especially the first one. I too love white bedding. Can’t wait to see how it turns out!