I drove two hours to see the man of my dreams because we both magically had Monday and Tuesday off this week. While I am at my parent’s house over the summer, San is still living in his apartment in Minneapolis, so we get to spend lots of time away (I don’t like to be so far away from him but I try to stay positive about it because it can be hard on a relationship). Since we were lucky enough to have the same days off, I jumped at the opportunity and went to visit him. Yesterday, we were craving breakfast food but wanted to try something different (look at what we used as a substitute for pizza sauce), so we completely made up a recipe for our own unique breakfast pizza and went to town.
I’ll take you through the recipe and then let you know our verdict at the end. This process was a learning experience for both of us. We learned that making recipes takes lots of creativity, lots of trying to predict the future, and lots of trial and error. Here’s how we did it:
Continue reading The Art of Recipe Making: Breakfast Pizza

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